October 4, 2012

Clock Option for Vulcan 3D Chess

Maybe it's just me, but I really dislike playing chess against a program where a clock is displayed showing the time I and the program each take to make a move. The clock's presence is a distraction and creates an undesirable sense of tension. On top of that, it subtly suggests the my inferiority by constantly highlighting how much faster the computer 'thinks' than I do. My inclination, thus, is to disable such a clock as quickly as possible.

Vulcan includes such a clock but unfortunately I found it to include no option to disable the clock. I was quite dismayed.

To correct this oversight, my first course of action was to find the point in the program where the clock was displayed and hack it so as to disable the display. This worked great! Problem solved! Then I thought about other people and how they might or might not want the clock displayed depending on their mood, and I started feeling guilty...

So, I went on to add an option to the Options menu to enable turning the clock on and off. This was fine for starters. But the clock defaulted to on, I wanted it to default to off, and others might still want it to default to on. Not wanting to dictate the default to anybody, I added the command line option -t (the program already has a -c command line option; '-t' stands for 'time clock'). When included on the command line when launching the program, this option starts the program with the clock off; otherwise the program starts with the clock on.

The result is all wrapped up in a free patch that's available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/vulcanchessmods/files/feature_patches/clock_option/.

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